ಜನರಲ್ ಳಿನುಕ್ಷ್ commands

1 ) Command to check How much RAM on server .

* cat /proc/meminfo


if you are looking for specific information only about Memory info then use below command

* cat /proc/meminfo | awk 'match($1,"MemTotal") == 1 {print $2}'

*** Note: may format of /proc/meminfo varies ****

2 ) Command to display number of CPU in system

* cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l

3) below command will display the number of CPU sockets

* dmidecode|grep CPU

4) Below command will will display the populated sockets.

* dmidecode|grep Populated

5) COmmand to check Linux version

* cat /proc/version


* uname -r

6 ) Redhat version check

* cat /etc/redhat-release

7) COmmand to check disk space based on different partition.

* df -h

8) Command to list all users on server

* cat /etc/passwd | gawk 'FS=":" {print $1}'

9) Command to list groups on server

cat /etc/group |cut -d: -f1